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living room design with Cozy corners
Today in living room design I want to show photos of the living room. Cozy corners, interesting colors, decor examples, a combination of styles. Interiors spread haphazardly, let's just look for inspiration, maybe there is something interesting for the design of our small apartments.
I would like to start with this cozy corner of the living room, I find it just perfect! Here, everything is steeped in the romance of travel: old trunk instead of a coffee table, a brush with the East, images of ships and fish on the walls. Color scheme complements the style of the living room - natural wood, sand and deep blue. Tall, narrow windows, if the windows ship cabins reinforce the impression.
Who said that the combination of yellow and blue is gone, along with the interiors of the 90s? Look at the photo of the living room in oriental style and make the reverse! By the way, note that the oriental style sets mainly coffee table with curved legs and decorative objects - if such a situation it will bother the owners will not be difficult (and expensive) to replace.
Another example, when the romantic mood of the interior is set primarily decorative items and wall design, can be seen in this photo living room:
Again Eastern element in classical living room - this time a screen. Luxurious reception zoning space for small rooms or combined
I found this photo in a blog, well, is not it wonderful sofa? I'm sure the guests will want to sit in a cozy corner. The decision is quite suitable for a small living room.
Like the blue color of the living room? Then you can approach this interior design of the magazine Elle Decor.
A small series of photos of small living room with bookcases and shelves. Here involved the entire usable area, even on a sofa while the interior does not look overloaded. What wonderful curtain hooks!
Someone like Ikea furniture, some do not - it's a matter of taste. But who would argue that the idea for compact storage and use every free corner of the small apartment they are wonderful