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How to design a small living room

You have a small living room - do not be discouraged, there is also possible to create any design. Importantly - correctly and competently to design a small living room to the room seemed much larger than it actually is. When you create the interior uses a visual expansion of its borders. Choose an interior for a small living room will each host in its sole discretion and capabilities, you can use the services of experienced professional designers.

Color in the interior living room

 Choosing the design of a small living room, be aware that an important role is played by color - perfectly suited bright colors and dark can only be used for decoration . correct color combination has a positive effect on mood, well-being, on your performance. Designers are advised to use no more than five colors for decoration interior room .
Good quality has a yellow - the color of fertility, cheerfulness and symbolizes wealth. And in combination with the color green, the color of nature, freshness, youth, symbolizes activity. For the walls, you can use wallpaper. Necessary to select wallpaper, given the configuration of a small living room. If, for example, a room with low ceilings, choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, if rectangular, the horizontal stripes create the effect of the expansion of space. Alternatively, the short walls of the rectangular living room can make a mirror that will reflect the opposite wall, and thereby bring the volume of the room. Elongation (elongation) of the room can be created if the stick Mural depicting the landscape. For the interior to pick up a valuable item that will attract attention with its originality. It could be a picture, design vase or some antiques. Overall, the decor elements should be combined with each other and represent a single style.

living room Furniture

 The next step - the selection of furniture. Usually in the living room sofa and chairs give to be able to comfortably accommodate the whole family. But if you still living a little and to be able to move freely and correctly apply the style of minimalism.
If you choose a sofa, so choose multi functional that had drawers for linen storage or other things, and that could easily decomposed. If you gather the guests can always take ottomans or chairs in the bedroom. Furniture for small living room is better to choose the small size and if everything right place - will freely, and the interior is perfect. It should be practical and multi functional. A good option can be a wardrobe with mirrored doors, which will also increase the visual living room, and you can use a closet for the bedroom . Will look good in a small room glass furniture - shelves, coffee or coffee tables, their transparency makes the appearance of furniture easier. Currently used furniture in different styles, retro, country or Provence, as long as it was compact. This is the basic rule for a small living room interior and a small bedroom. Very convenient to use folding table, it is possible to arrange a free zone walls and spread as needed. Folding tables (seats) create additional space for family or guests.

living room Interior decoration 

After the selection of furniture to choose interior decoration items. Small living rooms as bedrooms, can be supplemented with any decor or just family photos in a beautiful frame, as long as there was not too much of anything.
Living to visually look more interior elements necessary to choose light colors such as white furniture. Many people think white is not practical (though very beautiful) and can not afford such a luxury. But now so much of any cleaning agents, it is not necessary to be afraid of bright colors, this is perhaps the most important for small spaces. To the interior did not look monotonous, it is necessary to use a combination of white with other bright, vivid colors. If the furniture is white, the contrast can be used for cushions, orange or apple-green tones. The carpet on the wall better not to hang it visually reduces the space and the already small living room.

living Room lighting

 It is very important for a small living room to choose the right lighting . The more light, the more visually looks living room and creates a pleasant atmosphere and luxurious look. In addition to chandeliers to hang a couple of small lights (sconces). Good use for interior scented candles - and the romance, and the lighting, which will give a small living room shine, and your good mood. To maximize natural light was available on windows using light curtains and light curtains, but leave the heavy drapes for the bedroom.
Color curtains should be in harmony with the hue of furniture. Window - this is the main element of the interior. So near it usually does not give, but for a small living room interior is not practical. Lots of light will give a small living space necessary, and comfort.

After all, is not only important to choose the right furniture, but also to place it. For example, upholstered furniture along the walls is better not to, it will either reduce the size of the room, or narrow it. Room should be made freely available, because it is the room that is used by all family members. Color accents should draw the eye to the right areas of the room and push the other zones in the background. Interior of living room should be set to a relaxing stay. Though still the main element of the living room is a TV. But then let it be part of the interior, and set it so that everyone was comfortable and comfortable to watch your favorite programs. Currently, many began to choose a modern design small living room in the style of living room design 

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construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room

construction of small living room How to design a small living room
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