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Let's talk about how to turn red curtains in the interior living room and red window living room treatments, avoiding fatal errors for it. red curtains living room and window treatments in the interior living room, and in the interior living room color.
Red curtains living room associated with the theater, because the curtain closing scene, traditionally performed in the same color. It leaves its mark on the perception of the interior living room with red textiles on the windows: it brings in home furnishings note ceremonial and theatrical pomp. In addition, the red curtains and window treatments in the living room can create the atmosphere of the boudoir. Someone just such effects and achieves. Many, on the contrary, I want to avoid them, and in this case the problem is complicated. Let's talk about how to turn red curtains in the interior living room, avoiding fatal errors for it.
Red curtains living room, red window living room treatments: "yes" or "no"
Red window living room decoration many do not like, and for good reason: this color is very energetic and even aggressive. However, the shortcomings often turn into advantages. Let's start with them.
Red curtains living room gender-neutral. red window living room treatments, They do not give the interior living room nor female nor male character, and therefore suitable for both women living rooms, and for "lair" bachelor.
Red curtains living room are very effective. Their presence makes the interior living room bright, "passionate". They can be compared with chilli, capable, when properly used, to make the dish more delicious and spicy.
Red light coming from the windows in the light of the day, is able to positively influence the phlegmatic and melancholic some. Red curtains living room will strengthen, tone and stimulate sluggish lazy, prone to melancholy.
Red drapery on the windows make the living room more welcoming appearance. The fact that the red warms and "fills" the room. It does not look cold nor lifeless or dull.
Now the drawbacks red "clothes for the windows." When should exercise extreme caution or eliminate this decision?
Red curtains living room may adversely affect the status of hypertensive patients (critical pressure increase) Nausea, dizziness, weakness, and even may be the result of a long stay in the interior living room with red draperies.
Choleric red walls and curtains almost contraindicated, since such an atmosphere can contribute to outbursts of anger and aggression. Hyperactive and nervous people also undesirable to spend time in the living room with an abundance of red. In short, we can confidently state that the red window living room treatments - a solution for quiet, sustained, healthy people.
Red curtains living room visually reduce the space: wall with a window as if approaching a person entering the living room. Therefore, red curtains living room are only good enough for spacious accommodations.
Red curtains in the interior living room situation
Red curtains living room or red window living room treatments are best suited for livng rooms with beige, gray and green color scheme.
Beige slightly calms red, smoothing his assertiveness. Thus he, being next to the red, transformed, becoming more appetizing, warm, velvety. To beige background fit any red hue, including both cold and hot, tone.
Near gray red otherwise disclosed. He looks even brighter than it actually is, while looks fine and noble. With gray blend perfectly cool shades of red - such as cherry, carmine, red and purple. However, fiery tone will not create disharmony.
If you want to achieve the effect of theatricality and "boudoir" in the interior living room, give preference to a "heavy" red tones. Combine them with the color of gold, silver, ivory and precious wood.
Red curtains living room, red window living room treatments: how?
If you want to get a window with red curtains, you do not necessarily include many elements of this interior living room color. If you are afraid that the curtains will look like a random item, add two more red component of the small size. For example, a couple of cushions or a vase and a table lamp. If the livng room has three items in a single color or a similar design, this color is not perceived as a casual.
The smaller the living room, the more transparent it should be red curtains living room. Transparency reduces the effect of color. Want to avoid the effect of theatricality and boudoir? It's easy! Transparent fabrics - that's all it takes.
Red curtains living room can be hung in the living room and i suggest this album Luxury curtains for living room. However, you should resist the temptation to sew curtains. If the living room is small, and the veil is better done in a neutral color. Well, red window living room treatments can not support a pair of very large pieces of furniture or accessories.
In the living room red curtains can exactly match the color of the sofa or armchairs - is the classic method. But the walls, floors and other furniture will let light and neutral as possible.
Optional opting pure red and close to it tones. Note the more complex shades: berry, wine, flower. These less popular shades make the interior unbanal.
Red curtains living room and window living room treatments collection
Comes in 4 variants sample:
1. with pocket for attachment to pipe or ledge on clothespins
2. On the ribbon for hanging curtain hooks (+ 300 rubles. Per item)
3. On the tape fasteners (+ 300 rubles. Per item)
4. On the opaque curtain tape with metal hooks (hooks fan) (+ 300 rubles. Per item).
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |
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Red Curtains in the interiors living room |