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Making curtains of plastic bottles, simple steps and beautiful curtains in living room

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making beautiful curtains of plastic bottles by handmade for living room

For who ask me How to make curtains ? i provide simple ideas to making curtains of plastic bottles , it's beautiful curtain designs and we can hang it on door or window in our houses, this ideas for each one who love handmade and crafts, making beautiful curtains of plastic bottles for living room, make plastic curtain with photos for living room.
Previously i offered many catalogs of curtains in different styles and designs for windows and doors for living room, if you didn't visit it, i suggest the below links of curtain designs for living room albums:

Hello, dear readers! Water in plastic bottles for many of us has become a part of life, and that if we find the use of this same bottle? For example, to make interesting curtains for living room, transparent room divider or curtain for outdoor gazebo? In today's review will consider two types of curtains from plastic bottles for living room
 Curtains of plastic bottles for living room will visually resemble large, floating, transparent colors, with shimmering glitter falling sun. Perhaps many will say, "Oh, that's that, and such curtains I just do not need!" But designer Michelle Brand, invented such curtains, thinks otherwise, because in this way it has acted for reuse objects surrounding us. And for the idea, Michelle won a lot of awards from environmentalists, and maybe soon, she will figure out how effectively you can apply the rest of the bottle, and not only bedplate

How to make a curtain of plastic bottles of living room :

 To making curtains of plastic bottles you need to:
Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room
  1.  Plastic Bottles 0.5 ml (depending on the width and height of the flag will change the number of bottles).
  2.  Scissors and a knife.
  3.  Sand in a metal bowl or pan.
  4. Solid wood.

Steps to making curtains of plastic bottles of living room :

Let's start by cutting off the bottom of the bottle, using a knife or scissors. Carefully trimming scissors edge, giving the bottoms smooth shape of a flower, ie not just not cut and do small depressions. Then immerse in the bottom of a bottle in a preheated pan sand. Immerse literally a few seconds, this time would be enough for easy sharp edges. Incidentally, at the time of immersion of the plastic bottoms in the sand, at the same time deepening future "flower."
According to the above scheme, prepare the required amount of "flowers", which are then strung on twine. Punctures in the bottom of the awl to do better. Connect "floral bottoms" can be strung on the line type beads or create whole cloth by making curtains punctures in different parts of the bottoms, and in that thread the fishing line. Incidentally, these beautiful curtains 2015, it can be supplemented with large colored beads or bows burlap.

Making Beautiful curtains of plastic bottles for living room:

 The next type of curtains for living room can be made from the remaining portions of the bottles, cut them into rings. After cutting, each ring should on both sides in a frying pan with heated sand, then cut and stapled to connect with each other, the first pre-threading plastic strip in the second, the type of children's paper garlands. These result in some interesting shades of plastic bottles.  
Dear readers, you like a curtains of plastic bottles? Waiting for your comments! In fact, from simple plastic bottles, you can create some very interesting things in the future on the site living room design " Comfort in the House "will necessarily relevant publications, so I recommend you subscribe to the news

living room interior design with curtains

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room

Making curtains of plastic bottles in living room
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