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litghing and a Game of Shadows in home and living room

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living room Shadows design 

Studio apartment for a young girl working in a large international company. Task was to create a cool style of hi-tech in light and dark shades of gray, but with the addition of bright colors of life. The combination of metal, stone and glass (and a lot of mirrors) was the main task of the interior. Room-living room is divided into several functional areas: sofa area (almost Lounge-zone), area of ​​work and creativity. Pivot element is a glossy panel televisions, and bright wallpaper behind the couch. Kitchen with darker accents, it is a pleasure to spend time in the morning for breakfast and watch the game of natural light, and in the evening with friends. Facades kitchen bright green apron - "metal". Bookcase in the corner of the thin chrome pipes on the wall behind him fixed mirror. The bathroom has collected the original panels of the two colors of mosaic. Lighting throughout the apartment allocated to functional areas. From the name of the project you will notice that the room-living room, recreation room (balcony) and bathroom are "light", hall and kitchen - a "shadow".
living room Shadows design 

living room Shadows design 

living room Shadows design 

living room Shadows design 

Shadows in bathroom

Shadows in living room

Shadows in living room

Shadows in living room

Shadows in living room

Shadows in Kitchen

Shadows in Kitchen
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