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How to Lighting modern living room

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modern living room with small area 

Not everyone works out for each type of activity to get a specially designed room. To rely on the multi-functionality, as in the case of a studio apartment, where absolutely all processes (except, pardon me, the most intimate) meant one single space (albeit zoned). As for the project presented here living room - this is the living room. No other functions are not imposed on it. Lighting of the room through the French window generously provided the sun, and at night he come to replace many of the stretch ceiling lights and glowing horizontal and vertical stripes. Streams of light accented and gloss: the ceiling and the floor laid diagonally located laminate (to visually increase the size of the room) reflect and multiply like rays. All the necessary ingredients are presented living room: couch and a TV in front, dining area with stylish table and chairs. All fully meets the needs of minimalism. But what is good in this style? He loyally accepts decorative additions, becoming a minimalist, "with a human face" and slowly acquiring Contemporary style features. Small modern plastic organically fit into the interior, adding heat to it.
Lighting modern living room 

Lighting modern living room 

Lighting modern living room 

Lighting modern living room 
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