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modern living room with kitchen
Not everybody knows that the main living room in the apartment - is its center. In the kitchen you will also spend a lot of time, especially housewives. Unfortunately, many apartments, which are home to most of the population, can not provide us with your square footage, which is not always enough. And here we come to the aid designers has combined these two rooms. Modern design living room , open plan kitchen, can be found in all the magazines about the repair . Samples can be seen in the photo.
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Where to start repair
The combination of these facilities at the disposal of a spacious and modern kitchen, living room or kitchen-studio, as they say now. Modern interior of living room with a kitchen - is not only beautiful, you can make a reality of a lot of your wishes, the main thing - to think everything in the minutest detail, taking into account all the details. Before you start drawing, draw a future open-plan kitchen with living room . Help you with that can professionals who will take into account all your wishes in the interior. If you do not have this capability, you can draw a diagram for yourself, of course, for this you will have to scroll through more than one magazine, but this step is very important, because you are doing the difficult repairs and alterations. Therefore, please note remake then it will be much more difficult, and expensive.
In addition, since repairs and alterations to the apartment, make a budget. Since this repair is not only long, but also requires a lot of material costs, and that money does not run out in the middle of alteration, fill in all the estimates of future costs. Be sure to include the item "unplanned expenses," because there is always something that you forgot to include in the general list. Developing interior of living room with kitchen, be sure to agree on this point with the relevant authorities. Such a large-scale redevelopment must be formally confirmed, then to avoid unnecessary problems.
Zoning kitchen combined with living room
Divide correctly zone in such an environment is also very important. First of all, please note, there will be at least three main areas that require not a small area. This is the kitchen area, where there will be kitchen, washer and all appliances (and its modern housewives have quite a few), sitting area, and it is at least a sofa, TV and a coffee table and, of course, a dining area with table and chairs. A combined kitchen-living room does not imply a complete dissolution of one room to another.
A very important point in the interior - the separation of the kitchen from the living room at least visually. Here you can use a variety of techniques. Firstly, the wall between the rooms can not fully carry, and partly by making it a doorway or arch, decorating it with modern materials for finishing. It is not only visually divide the room, but also decorates it. Look at photos of a room.
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If the wall is torn down completely, you will see a large room that can be divided in other ways. You can install a rack or a screen. Rack - this additional shelves that are never superfluous, and all there will than his force. Screen is convenient because it can be removed if desired, and when you have guests to put it in place, separating the kitchen from the living room for a while. This is a very convenient option for those who have a small room. Examples are shown in this photo:
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Divide the space can and using the dining room table. Table, set on the border of the combined rooms, not only to share a room, but also serves as an additional work surface. To separate the kitchen from the living room sofa with a can and a high back, the main caveat - the rear wall of the sofa should be beautifully draped, it will look cozy and homey. Look at the photo:
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Room can be divided using the interior design kitchen "island". This will make the living room modern and beautiful. kitchen "island" is multi functional, it is used on both sides. This is a very good option, but in a small room it is better not to use, as it takes up a lot of space. Photos of a kitchen-studio, divided the kitchen "island":
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One of the most popular choices in the division of open-plan kitchen with dining area, a breakfast bar. With this element the room looks fashionable and beautiful. The bar can be built into the wall which had divided the room or pick up under furniture. It's a matter of taste and desires. Bar table - is not only creative, but also additional work area, you can work as well as a small table for snacks that are so fond of modern man in the street. Photo kitchen-living room, divided bar:
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more photo about kitchen-living room :
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