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Design of living room with light walls
Good day, dear readers of the blog living room design . Today we talk about the interior living rooms, which occupy a central place in our house. Here we welcome guests, spend leisure time, relax after a busy day. Not by chance the lead role in the living room playing upholstered furniture, which should be comfortable and attractive, disposing to cozy pastime. Other pieces of furniture (especially in small living room, which we will discuss) should be different functionality and style in harmony with the rest of the furniture.
Decorating the living room and its decor is very important, because this room - in fact the face of your apartment, on it your guests will judge you and your style, learn about the interests of your family members. In the design of the living room do not forget about textiles - a small rug in front of a sofa, pillow, blanket or bedspread will add warmth and comfort, and with proper selection of colors also will put the necessary emphasis, well and give your interior curtains completeness and harmony. Let's see photos of the most successful living room in which to live and nice, and you can show off to your friends.
Let's start with solar photo living room, bright colors that are sure to lift your mood and inspire rework rooms. Her master different subtle taste and ability to pick things up in the interior
Living room design that in the photo below speaks for itself its master - creative nature, with good taste, quality service and expensive things. I would venture to suggest that this apartment bachelor who prefers spending free time alone.
Seem interesting guests and this room, which at first glance looks like a heap of assorted pieces of furniture inherited owner inherited and purchased in a different period of his life. Not immediately guess that it is this living room was designed by designers.
Quite often used in the design of living room with light walls (pure white or shades), coupled with bright accents of pure colors. Reception, visually expand the space - the main thing here is not to overdo it with gloss and whiteness to the interior did not look "cool." These interiors are mostly fond youth, more mobile than the older generation.
Another method that shows how wonderful white color combined with wood. Please note that the design of this small cozy living room is made so that a flat screen tv does not seem alien element in a classical setting. Departing from the topic, I will say that I always pay great attention to the interior where there is a TV and try to show them in the first place. Sometimes, studying design pictures, it seems to me that they believe that their customers do not watch television, but it is not so!
Sometimes new curtains and hauling sofas can drastically change the style of your home. Pay attention to this photo living room - dark floor, brown wall and red wallpaper should be visually squeeze this little room and make it dark and uninviting. But here's the added white leather and textiles - wide curtains, carpet, lampshades, upholstery of chairs and sofas, and our house was filled with light. Read more about how to add white can fix a bad dark interior design can be found in my article: "Apply knowledge of color in practice: achromatic color" .
Many people think that pink color exclusively for girls, but it is not. Strict functional furniture such as "Ikea" looks very cool on a background of pink walls, and the style of the interior sets a vintage chest of drawers and a rug. This living room is quite suitable for couples with children.
That's all for, but we are not just back to the topic of design living room. I hope this stuff was interesting and useful for you!
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |
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we make interior room with style and taste Design of living room with light walls |