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Multifunctional Living room design part 2

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living room a cozy place

What if the "kingdom is not enough, there is nowhere to turn?" Resort to multi functionality. No three-room apartment in a private room for the office? And it is so necessary? After all, can be distinguished in the living room a cozy place, putting back a desk. acceptable Accommodation different "home office" - the table can be placed against the wall, providing a more relaxed working environment, or relocate it so that sitting at the table and could in television glances, and household bandy words. The project presents both versions, and work area highlighted registration: dissected wall pilasters simulate brickwork. Family heirloom - piano - gives the interior solidity and hints at the breadth of interests of the owners, can in your own living room to arrange a music room in the best tradition of the good old days. The rest of the room is traditional for families with classic tastes. Couch, standing in the middle, delineates the area. Functional furniture diluted elegant details: classic chandeliers and sconces, busts and statuettes, photographs over the fireplace.
Multifunctional Living room design part 1
Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 \par \par \par \par }