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living room and large office with interior staircase

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modern living room, open floor Modern, design furniture

Ber mansion is located in Midrand, South Africa, and was introduced by design studio Nico van der Meulen Architects. The client wanted his house was modern, iconic, no extra rooms, an open floor plan and spacious enough. Four bedroom suites, living room and large office became mandatory conditions. 
Mansion has a simple rectangular shape, it occupies the central part of the living room area, and designed around the pond and swimming pool. Entering the house, you find yourself in a spacious hall leading to living room, dining room and kitchen. The boundaries between the rooms symbolize granite slabs without weighting, however, the interior Stylish staircase, also made ​​of granite and decorated with illuminated in the handrail, immediately attracts attention. Living room crosses the bridge connecting children's room with the master bedroom. Modern design furniture, steel sculptures, bright accents on a neutral background color and other interesting decisions shape the character of the interior.

modern living room design with modern furniture and theater

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture

living-room and large office modern living room, open floor Modern design furniture
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