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Top 20 Suspended ceiling tiles, lighting pop designs for living room 2015 part 2

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Top photo gallery of suspended ceilings 2015 and suspended ceiling pop designs for living room - suspended ceiling tiles, suspended ceiling systems and modern ideas of suspended ceiling lighting 2015, modern suspended ceiling designs ideas for living room interior designs 2015, top catalog of suspended ceiling design ideas for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling systems living room

Suspended ceiling systems consisting of a metal frame suspended from the soffit, to which are attached various modular elements (panels, plates, rods, etc.), or sheets of drywall.
Suspended ceiling systems are very diverse. Experts classify ceilings functional purpose to:
- Technological ("Mid-lite), endowed with the minimum consumer properties. They are intended for interior general purpose: administrative buildings, offices, shopping halls, etc.
These ceilings are made of traditional environmentally safe materials.
- Basic suspension systems are also endowed with standard specifications.
- Functional ceiling tiles meet the highest technical standards and are designed for specialized facilities with special requirements for moisture resistance, acoustics, hygiene, impact resistance and durability;
- Designer ceiling are neat design, effectively look like in residential and public premises. With their help, designers can realize their wildest creative ideas. For the realization of the original design refinements, V-shaped, plate-like ceilings, the ceilings in the form of scales and as God knows what else. Besides all of this can be mounted in various combinations, with different steps, which also increases the decorative properties.

Suspended ceiling tiles living room

Tiled panel - hard and soft mineral fiber, metal and wood are widely used for decorating homes, shops, offices. Suspended ceiling tile due to its construction can fully follow the contours of any room: niches, projections and recesses - which is a very strong argument in favor of this type of suspended ceilings pop design 2015.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

Advantages of suspended ceilings obvious:

It decorates cracks, stains and other defects of the old ceiling. Hides engineering equipment located under the floor. Thus, depending on the chosen design scheme may be provided easy access to this equipment either locally or over the entire ceiling area.
In modular suspension systems for repair elements can easily be replaced.
Special acoustic suspended ceilings create favorable acoustical environment in the room, they absorb sound and reduce noise in the room. And finally, thanks to the good light reflectance ceilings many models considerably improved illumination premises without additional power consumption.
And another important advantage is the ease of suspended ceilings, simplicity and speed of installation.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings:

Suspended ceilings have only one serious drawback: when installed with spotlights lost at least 15 cm height of the room. That is why most urban homes, designed and built during the "thaw" and developed socialism, such designs and types of suspended ceilings are not particularly relevant.

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015 part 1

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015

Suspended ceiling tiles for living room 2015
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