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living room design ideas with white wall 

Today in living room design again we return to the topic of design in a small apartment living room and talk about how their own hands to create a warm cozy interior, if the basis for our main room to take the white walls.
White walls are very popular with designers, open any western magazine about interior design, apartment in the fashionable style of hi-tech, minimalist - all entirely white. On the one hand is nothing surprising in this, because this color is the perfect backdrop for all the compositions, taking it as a basis, the designer can demonstrate their skills.
On the other hand - the big white rooms often look uninhabited, soulless, cold and uncomfortable, and in this regard I have always wondered why these apartments enjoy doing it by designers from the Nordic countries, because the interior of the white bears cool and the most suitable place for him there, year-round heat. Consider, for example, this image odnushki small (36 m) from Sweden, I even look at her coldly.
In the topic "Apply knowledge of color in practice: achromatic color" we were introduced to the features of white. The first is its neutrality to other colors, and the ability to reflect light rays, which is the basis of its most useful features for the interior design - the visual space expansion. Simply put, a room with white walls to the human eye seems more spacious than any other of the same area. To make their homes more, they should at least visually - the dream of every owner of the small apartment, so the white walls for us is a very tempting idea. But how to make sure that our room did not look like the first picture, and were warm and cozy? That's what we talk today.

Choosing a floor in the living room with white walls

So, the white walls, we have already set the groundwork for future interior room, our task - to choose the right color of furniture and decor. And, of course, do not forget about the floor. If we want to make a warm cozy design of a small room, the wooden furniture and flooring is better to take dark colors (bright white walls will not add heat). Picking up the cover, do not overdo it: too dark color will create an unnecessary contrast, the most suitable option, will be the one when the floor is a few shades lighter than the furniture.
As you can see from the photos, the room with white walls, dark furniture and the floor looks more colorful than the interior in a soft light brown colors. However, both of these options are the right to life, and when properly selected textiles will meet our requirements of warmth and comfort, so it all depends on the preferences of the owners of the apartment. In addition, correct color of the floor in the living room you can always carpet.

Color scheme of the living room with white walls

Look at these two pictures of the same white living room, one of which is the "before" and the second "after." Is not it amazing transformation? A good example of how using only one fabric, you can create beauty and comfort in the house. In the living room carpet and changed the curtains, threw blankets, pillows add color and as a result our room an entirely new look.
To achieve this effect, the first step is to choose the right colors and textures of fabrics. For a basis we take warm colors: these include the whole palette of red, orange, yellow, green (with a predominance of yellow), brown. Some of these colors will look good on a white background in monochrome, and yet to achieve the best results, I would suggest experimenting with combinations.
The most suitable colors for the living room from the point of view of their psychological impact on a person considered to be a green and brown, in some cases, fit and orange. But the red and yellow are best left to bright accents. Both of them are strong boost of energy, exciting man, while our living room is designed for a relaxing pastime and recreation.
Speaking of appropriate color combinations for a small living room with white walls, I do not call for using in interior only warm shades, it is quite possible and the introduction of cold (blue range) tone, as in the photo of our living room "after." The main thing that their participation can be traced only in the details, and did not go to the front.

What fabrics are suitable for creating a warm interior room

To create a warm and cozy atmosphere in a small living room with the help of textiles plays an important role not only correct color, but also texture of fabrics. Smooth shiny materials such as silk, satin, satin, organza and viscose not the best option for curtains and upholstery, better use them for decoration decorative pillows . For our purpose it is necessary to take velvet, velor, velvet, tapestry and dense printed fabric. For blankets and capes nice soft fleecy knitted fabrics or large knitting of wool. A couple of shaggy pillows Lama - another nice and useful element of the decor cozy little living room.
Finishing touch to a cozy interior will be a variety of cute little things, decorative items, wall hangings, paintings, interesting light fixtures on the photos to this topic you can spy a lot of ideas. I hope you enjoyed my article today, and it will help you in creating your unique design a small living room with white walls!

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls

the cozy interior in the living room with white walls
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