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correct design of your living room with sofa
Today in living room design we'll talk about how to pick up a sofa in the living room, what to look for when buying and what color upholstery is suitable for decoration of a room.
Purchase of upholstered furniture in the living room - it is responsible, which should approach seriously without taking hasty decisions. And not only because such an acquisition is designed for long life and is not cheap. The interior of a small city apartment sofa takes on the role of the central element, attracting to itself the focus, and its shape and color will set the general mood of your living room.
Important criteria to consider when choosing the sofa: functionality, usability, quality, value and, of course, the compatibility of the furniture with the style and color scheme of the room. In this publication, the emphasis I want to do it on the last point, as for the rest, we will go over them quite short, as information on the subject abound.
Those who live in small apartments, forced to choose functional furniture. Sofa-transformer can become an extra bed or home office (see. Theme "Transformers in our house" ), is practical furniture with built-in drawers for storage. And even if living conditions allow to do without all these tricks, big massive sofas with large decorative elements still not suitable for homes with the typical layout - rooms are too small. It is better to look at the simple and concise model without frills. Want to make your sofa look luxuriously - to invest in expensive high-quality upholstery.
Convenience does not always go hand in hand with functionality, and sacrifice them in favor of the latter is not recommended. It is necessary to find the optimal balance in which the new furniture will be fully satisfactory to you on these two parameters.
As for another criteria - price, it all depends on your ability and understanding, which is expensive, and that cheap. It is clear that high-quality products imply a higher cost than the furniture, designed for a short life. Although in our reality is easily accessible by beautiful design and songs of praise and sellers for 150-300 thousand rubles to buy a sofa with foam cushions, not like the one that was in the cabin (that sinned, for example, outside Moscow factory Estetica). So here I can only advise to be more careful in the first place to look beyond the appearance, and the fact that inside. Well, if the frame is made of wood (not particle board), and pillows will be batting, felt, down / feather, very reliable and good old spring combination with them.
Sofa, as an element of interior design living room
Sofa, as an essential element a small living room, must meet the style of the room. If you are staying on a simple model of the neutral form, to achieve the desired result, you can use upholstery, specifically its billing. For example, suitable for classical living tapestry, jacquard and chenille, to the style of minimalism - black leather, wool and cotton navy blue or gray. For owners of modern urban apartments with children and pets practical solution is inexpensive flock and microfiber. Covers for sofas in the rustic style can be stitched linen, as well as fabrics with high cotton and viscose. We are for the correct design of your living room !
To choose the right color of upholstered furniture guided by the color of the walls. If they are in your living room a neutral light, the upholstery is better to use rich expressive shades. The brighter they are - the more stand out sofa. White covers - a good idea for a living room with colored walls, especially when it is too obscured. And, of course, there is no point in buying a sofa to match the wallpaper - it just will merge with them.
The question you need to ask yourself when selecting colors for your couch - whether it used decorative pillows. The fact that some colors require reinforcement. In particular this applies an achromatic color that works great as a background, and in its pure form can lose their expressiveness.
To get the bright beautiful interior with properly spaced accents pillows require white, gray, black, cream and brown sofas, upholstered furniture most shades of green. Lack of decorative pillows quietly survive red, orange, yellow sofa and couch in blue, lilac and violet tones.
Widely used in upholstery found shades of brown . In the background, you can create a series of warm (so cozy house) combinations. By this color is well suited orange, yellow, green, pink. Very curious combination with blue and lilac. Important is the fact that the brown sofa always favorably with many of your favorite beige and cream walls.
In recent years, the upholstery is very popular gray. Ranging from light shades and up to the stylish graphite. Designers love it for its conciseness, versatility, precision shapes. Gray sofas look good in the interior with red, yellow, lilac accents. This color is also practical and suitable for families with children and pets - on such surfaces are barely visible stains and residues of wool.
Black sofas needs space, so living with such furniture should be light, with a minimal amount of other elements of the situation. For small apartments are the optimal partner of black - white , and for accents can take a red, turquoise, purple or yellow.
Lots of interesting color combinations can be created based on the green couch. How can hemp plant it will provide an excellent basis for the placement of red, pink, yellow, orange, blue pillows. Special attention is given noble classic combination of green and brown.
Red sofa - suitable solution for creating a cozy living room. It will look good on the background of gray, beige or light green walls.
And finally, another popular color, widely used in the upholstery of the sofa - blue. It will be good if you want to create a relaxing atmosphere in the room (because of its psychological effects on man - calm). Shades of blue are always to be found in the interiors of marine subjects. They belong to the cold scale, so often in city apartments combine with warm blue red, yellow and orange flowers.
Today, I talked about how you should pay attention when choosing the sofa in the living room and how to choose the texture and color of the upholstery to match the style of interior design. I hope this article was interesting and useful for you!
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |
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Sofa, as an element of interior design living room |