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Decorate the living room and make you feel comfortable
Good day, dear readers living room design . Today we look at some of the interiors living rooms, suitable for small apartments. Good design is a small living room - it's an elaborate composition, in which a small area harmoniously coexist upholstered furniture, work space and dining furniture. The simpler and more concise selected style rooms, the easier it is to beat. Take, for example, the interiors presented in IKEA stores: a simple modern white furniture combined everything. Therefore, their ideas are often used to process one-bedroom apartments.
Another thing, if the owners are thinking about the more expensive furniture made of natural wood and opt for a classic warm interior design living room . It is worth more attention to the zoning area. About the visual separation of the room, in order to separate the dining room from the corner of the TV, I wrote in detail in the subject: "The dining table in the interior of a small living room" . These ideas can be used to isolate the working area.
Anyone who believes that without shelving, screens or partitions living room does not normally divide, is mistaken. There are simpler options that are based on human visual perception of the features. For example, properly placed accent colors attract the eye to the right areas of the room, pushing her other band in the background. Wall painted in alternative colors, different floor coverings can also serve as visual separators.
On the group photo below shows the interior of a small living room, designed in warm monochrome colors - from coffee with milk to brown. The atmosphere of the room sets a relaxing stay. In its design, there are elements of oriental culture: it can be seen in the figures and vases on shelves, paintings, bent legs tea table, orange color decorative pillows.
In this photos clearly shows that the center of the focus of attention of the living room - an area where the sofa. View incoming is confined to a bright orange detail: pillows, candles, a vase and a lamp. As an additional room divider into two zones used carpets of different texture and its own source of light over the dining table.
We proceed to the living room, in the interior of which there is a work area . The room seems more spacious because its basically Bright colors: white, cream, green, and in the decoration of blue, yellow and pink. This is a good example of a professional working with color: bright pillows and pull a blanket account logged on to itself, and elegant desktop white light from windows visually dissolve somewhere in the background.
Design living room, shown in the next picture shows how it is possible to divert attention from a black screen TV, if the owners do not want to make it the centerpiece of the room. On similar methods we discussed in the topic: "TV Room: to be beautiful and comfortable" . In this case, the focus falls on the big table lamp and repeat it in the color scheme painting. The very same TV "hidden" between the ridge and the shelf with a vase of flowers.
Our generation is witnessing the rapid development of digital technology, fewer people read paper books. But to refuse bookshelves and cabinets while not all ready. Many of us have no idea how to create around himself a familiar cozy environment without your favorite publications. The other day I was sitting in line at a government department with a talkative granny 84 years old, she told us that in her two-room apartment of 16 ovens books. Mentally, I tried to put them in their dvushke and realized that for this I would have to move all the furniture.
When a large number of books have been an indicator of learning and intelligence of the hosts, but those days are long gone. And yet a couple of cabinets with these wonderful mediums will not damage the interior design apartment, and we ourselves will be comfortable among the familiar and dear to the heart of things.
My today's show would not be complete if I did not mention home textiles . In each of his topic, I do not get tired of repeating that this is a real "magic wand" owners of small apartments. If the area of the living room can not put decorative pieces of furniture, and even the question of the purchase of one chair is in doubt, we can always rely on him. Curtains, decorative pillows , blankets and bedspreads will set the right mood, warm the cold room, expand the space, decorate the living room and make you feel comfortable. The main thing is not afraid to experiment with color, and then the result will justify the expectations. Hopefully, this material was interesting and useful for you!
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |
Decorate the living room
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cozy interior living small apartments |